Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
MORRIS JIA HUI INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. 1F, No. 267, Ren Ai Rd. Yong He Taipei Hsien Taiwan flush toilet, toilet seat, toilet seat lid, toilet water tank, vapor bath, sun bath, gas warm stove, gas carriage stove, shower head, faucet, and water heaters for domestic, commercial and industrial use;
SAKURA TAIWAN SAKURA CORPORATION NO. 436, SEC. 4, YATAN RD., DAYA DIST. TAICHUNG CITY 42854 Taiwan flush toilet, toilet seat cover, lavatory, bathtub, faucet, shower head;The drawing is lined for the colors red and green.;The English translation of the Chinese characters is cherry blossom. The transliteration of the Chinese characters is ying hua. The English translation of SAKURA is cherry blossom.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A liquid dispensing unit for a toilet bowl comprises a first container containing a first, liquid formulation, a second container containing a second formulation, which may be a solid tablet. The liquid from container flows onto a delivery surface from where it is washed into the toilet bowl by the flush water. Some flush water also washes over the second formulation to take components into solution and deliver them into the toilet bowl through aperture. The constituents of the two formulations are thus kept separate until they enter the toilet bowl. The second formulation may also be a liquid.