Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CCA ALTIVITY PACKAGING 450 E. NORTH AVENUE CAROL STREAM IL 60188 Folding cartons and coated recycled board, multiwall bags, flexible packaging, and labels for packaging consumer goods;
CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA ALTIVITY PACKAGING 450 E. NORTH AVENUE CAROL STREAM IL 60188 Folding cartons and coated recycled board, multiwall bags, flexible packaging, and labels for packaging consumer goods;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Multi-unit product cartons for store racks, shelves, walls, columns, and floors, in particular, cartons with advantageous product visibility and accessibility via a radially-openable access panel disposed on at least one of the carton sides. The access panel has at least one side arm that inter-leaves between two adjacent carton sides.