Brand Owner Address Description
IV THERAPY LOCATOR AKAMAI INNOVATIONS, INC. 216 Mt. Hermon Rd. Ste. E-344 Scotts Valley CA 95066 FOUR THERAPY LOCATOR;Providing on-line referrals in the field of Intravenous nutrient therapy practitioners;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. There is disclosed a method and apparatus for an object locator system (10) for requesting and obtaining information about the location of a mobile object, having attached thereon a lightweight object locator (42), operable in a region served by a two-way paging system (12) and a global positioning satellite system (50). The object locator (42) may be selectively activated to conserve power or enabled to respond only when beyond or within a boundary. Further, the object locator system (10) may provide the location information in several forms including rectangular or polar coordinates referred to a base station (18) or origin, position on a map display, etc. In alternate embodiments the two-way paging system (12) may be substituted by a direct wireless link or a satellite relay communications link; the location information may be translated into human readable form either before or after transmission from the object locator; the location information may be presented at an output as selectable text; spoken message or graphic display including a map; the location information may have associated therewith other information such as time the location was determined, the status of the object locator, the condition of the battery, position of the object locator relative to a boundary or electronic fence or to indicate an alarm condition; or the location information may be accessed or delivered by dial-up or automatic means.