Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CREAMBERRY Dynamic Commodities (Pty) Limited Zone 3 Koega Industrial Development Zone 13 Intsimbi Road Port Elizabeth South Africa Frozen confections and pastries, namely sorbets, ice cream, and fruit shells with sorbet or ice cream fillings;CREAM BERRY;
HAWAIIAN FRUIT SANDWICH Dynamic Commodities (Pty) Limited Zone 3 Koega Industrial Development Zone 13 Intsimbi Road Port Elizabeth South Africa Frozen confections and pastries, namely sorbets, ice cream, and fruit shells with sorbet or ice cream fillings;
ISLAND SORBET Dynamic Commodities (Pty) Limited Zone 3 Koega Industrial Development Zone 13 Intsimbi Road Port Elizabeth South Africa Frozen confections and pastries, namely sorbets, ice cream, and fruit shells with sorbet or ice cream fillings;SORBET;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The invention relates to methods for preparing nutritional frozen desserts having palatable characteristics. The invention also includes the nutritious frozen desserts, and methods of treating subjects using the frozen desserts.