Brand Owner Address Description
KEENAN FARMS CALIFORNIA Keenan Farms, Inc. 31510 Plymouth Avenue Avenal CA 93204 The trademark was first used in a prior form on th goods September 15, 1981;processed nuts;The tradmark was first used in interstate commerce in a prior form on the good September 15, 1981;FARMS and CALIFORNIA;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A sales rack for accommodating goods such as foods presented in open containers, such as fruits, vegetables, etc. The sales rack has a base and a goods support surface that is adjustable relative to the base. The goods support surface is equipped with at least one holder element which can be optionally affixed, and over which the goods, i.e. the containers can pass when they are put into place, to fix the goods in place in the slanted position of the goods support surface.