Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand
Technical Examples
A brush applicator forms a tapered inner wall and inwardly extended flange inside of a nozzle, which secures either molded or crimped brush assembly. Two edge applicators apply a substantially uniform thin layer of adhesive or glue only on the edge surface of a workpiece. A first edge applicator applies glue through an exit and a second edge applicator has a roller with side flanges and with a reduced portion in-between. A flat surface applicator implements may have plural vanes and channels inside of two outer walls to distribute adhesive to a wider flat exit. A biscuit applicator applies glue on two side surfaces of elliptical slots that are formed by biscuit cutters. The glue flows through plural vanes or plural transversely positioned openings and passes to form two opposite layers of glue. A dowel applicator applies a thin substantially uniform layer of glue on the wall of a dowel-receiving hole prior to installation of dowel pins. The glue is applied using a cylindrical nozzle body with plural projections and a reduced diameter portion. A wet well prevents applicator from clogging by hardened glue. The wet well fits tightly over the cap and the entire inner space of the wet well is saturated with moisture/solvent from a water/solvent retainer.