Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS, INC. 9700 N. 91st Street Scottsdale AZ 852585036 HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS;drug therapy payment services and insurance reimbursement assistance for covered treatments;healthcare information management and healthcare cost containment services for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, namely, managed care review of therapeutic drug usage and cost; collection, analysis and maintenance of patient data for marketing purposes; economic analysis of drug therapy payment services and insurance reimbursement for covered treatments; data collection and marketing analysis of the delivery and monitoring of pharmaceutical, biological and other medical therapies; marketing and cost containment analysis of retail and mail order pharmacy services;collection, analysis and maintenance of patient data for diagnostic purposes; providing information to patients on proper therapeutic drug usage and other health issues;
ON CALL NURSING AND ASSOCIATES, INC. On Call Nursing And Associates, Inc. 7900 Earhart Blvd. New Orleans LA 70125 health care delivery systems;ON CALL NURSING AND ASSOCIATES, INC.;healthcare services, home healthcare; physicians services provided both in the physician's offices and by means of house calls; out-patient medical diagnostic testing and examination; out-patient dentistry service; and, childcare;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system for providing a home health care service includes a health care center, a service recipient device, and the Internet that connects these components. The health care center: is constructed on the Internet; includes a database for registering personal data that are necessary for the health care of registered at-home patients as basic health care data and storing measurement data that are provided from at-home patients over the course of time; and has the functions of inferring the health conditions of at-home patients based on the measurement data and the basic health care data, and offering appropriate services necessary for inferred health conditions. The service recipient device includes a biosensor and a signal processor. The biosensor detects chemical components contained in a substance that is discharged from the human body and converts detected values to electrical signals at the point of discharge.