Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ALLER-TABS Maharishi Ayur-Ved Products International, Inc. 1680 Highway 1 North, Suite 2200 Fairfield IA 52556 herbal preparation for strengthening the body's natural defenses and resistance;ALLERT TABS;
FLU SEASON DEFENSE MAHARISHI AYUR-VED PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 1680 Highway One North, Suite 2200 Fairfield IA 52556 herbal preparation for strengthening the body's natural defenses and resistance;
SNIFFLE FREE MAHARISHI AYUR-VED PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 1680 Highway One North, Suite 2200 Fairfield IA 52556 herbal preparation for strengthening the body's natural defenses and resistance;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The device is designed to enable the user to perform both abdominal strengthening and back muscle strengthening exercises on the top surface of a conventional bed. A conventional bed is defined as one with a semi-rigid mattress and a rigid frame.