Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
HEXFLO Comfort DTC, Inc. 5 Radnor Corporate Center, Suite 300 100 Matsonford Road Radnor PA 190874560 HEX FLOW;Mattresses and mattress toppers;
HEXFLOW Dantherm Cooling, Inc. 671 Springfield Road Spartanburg SC 29303 HEX FLOW;Air-to-air cross-flow heat exchangers used in cooling applications;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method and apparatus for monitoring and controlling the nano-scale flow rate of fluid in the operating flow path of a HPLC system. A first flow sensor is disposed in a first flow path between a first flow-divider and a fluidic tee. A second flow sensor is disposed in a second flow path between a second flow-divider and the fluidic tee. A first recycle flow restrictor is disposed in the first recycle flow path in fluid communication with the first flow-divider. A second recycle flow restrictor is disposed in the second The permeability of each recycle flow restrictor can be selected to produce a desired flow rate with each respective flow path. The output signals of the first and second flow sensors to control output of a pump within each flow path.