Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ELEVATE DESERET BIOLOGICALS, INCORPORATED 469 West Parkland Drive Sandy UT 84070 Homeopathic supplements to reinforce release of dopamine and norepinephrine, reduce the common side effects of antidepressants, reduce the underlying symptoms of depression and improve core brain functions to support improved mood;
ELEVATE RXS DESERET BIOLOGICALS, INCORPORATED 469 West Parkland Drive Sandy UT 84070 Homeopathic supplements to reinforce release of dopamine and norepinephrine, reduce the common side effects of antidepressants, reduce the underlying symptoms of depression and improve core brain functions to support improved mood;
FOCUS DESERET BIOLOGICALS, INCORPORATED 469 West Parkland Drive Sandy UT 84070 Homeopathic supplements to reinforce release of neurotransmitters, reduce the common side effects of ADHD medications, reduce the underlying symptoms of ADHD and improve core brain functions;
FOCUS RXS DESERET BIOLOGICALS, INCORPORATED 469 West Parkland Drive Sandy UT 84070 Homeopathic supplements to reinforce release of neurotransmitters, reduce the common side effects of ADHD medications, reduce the underlying symptoms of ADHD and improve core brain functions;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A laminar label (7) which comprises a base label (4), which is attached to a release web (3) by means of a glue layer (5) on top of which base label a supplement (13) is applied, which is covered by a top label (11). The base label with a matching release web is made of the same starting material (40, 41) as the top label with a matching release web (9) and the base label and the top label are brought together on the release web (3) of the base label in a relative displaced position and with a special treatment, e.g., a removal of portions through punching of said starting material in order to form a base label and a top label, respectively. Also a method and an apparatus for providing laminar labels (7), base labels (4) being applied on a release web (3), supplements (13) being positioned on top of the base labels and top labels (11) being positioned in such a way that they overlap the supplements. A release web (40) with labels (41) is used for two different functions as a starting material for a release web (3) with base labels (4) and a release web (9) with top labels (11) and the base labels and the top labels are brought together on the release web (3) of the base labels in a relative displaced position and with a special treatment, e.g., a removal of portions by punching of said starting material in order to obtain base labels and top labels, respectively.