Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
BACKSTAGE CLUB Diane Feldman Turen 2050 South Bentley Avenue, Suite 304 Los Angeles CA 90025 Indicating membership in a charitable organization providing educational services to theatre attendees, and expressly excluding providing entertainment information and publications to entertainment professionals;CLUB;
COMMUNITY WAY Cannon William R / William R Cannon 30 Frances Terrace Stratford CT 06614 Indicating membership in a charitable fundraising organization for medical and/or non-medical, health, companion and human care services;
ORDER OF FIRST FAMILIES OF NORTH CAROLINA Order of First Families of North Carolina 710 Arendell St.; Suite 105 Morehead City NC 28557 Indicating membership in a charitable and educational organization consisting of descendants of individuals who resided in that part of the Province of Carolina that became North Carolina, before the creation of the Royal Colony in 1729;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. In accordance with the invention, a presenter of credentials presents to a recipient of credentials one or more chains of group credentials to prove entity membership or non-membership in a nested group in a computer network. The ability to present a chain of credentials is particularly important when a client is attempting the prove membership or non-membership in a nested group and one or more of the group servers in the family tree are off-line. A chain of group credentials includes two or more proofs of group membership and/or proofs of group non-membership Furthermore, the proofs of group membership may include one or more group membership certificates and/or one or more group membership lists; and proofs of group non-membership may include one or more group non-membership certificates and/or one or more group membership lists.