Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY CLEAN HARBORS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. 42 Longwater Drive Norwell MA 02061 Industrial cleaning of piping and vessels performed on-site at facilities of others;TECHNOLOGY;
PMT CLEAN HARBORS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. 42 Longwater Drive Norwell MA 02061 Industrial cleaning of piping and vessels performed on-site at facilities of others;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. There are disclosed a production apparatus for producing a gallium nitride semiconductor film by HVPE process, a cleaning apparatus for cleaning exhaust gas coming from the above apparatus and an overall production plant for producing a gallium nitride semiconductor by HVPE process. Therein exhaust piping for exhaust gas in the production apparatus, introduction piping for the cleaning apparatus and exhaust gas piping which connects the production apparatus and the cleaning apparatus are each composed of an electroconductive corrosion-resistant material and are each electrically grounded, thereby surely preventing electrostatic charging due to friction between ammonium chloride powders in the exhaust gas and inside walls of exhaust gas piping, and markedly enhancing operational safety.