Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
BUTTERFLIES AND SUNSHINE Kapi'olani Medical Center For Women andChildren 1319 Punahou Street Honolulu HI 96826 interactive CD ROMs for use in the education of patients and others as to the nature and treatment of various diseases and other health related matters;
PC AD Patch Products, Inc. 1400 E Inman Pkwy Beloit WI 53511 Interactive CD-ROMS for use in the fields of entertainment and premium advertising;PC ADVERTISING;
SAS ONLINETUTOR SAS INSTITUTE INC. SAS Campus Drive Cary NC 27513 interactive CD-ROMs for use in computer software training;SAS ONLINE TUTOR;ONLINE TUTOR;
SOLUTIONS @WORK SAS INSTITUTE INC. SAS Campus Drive Cary NC 27513 interactive CD-ROMs for use in application software development;SOLUTIONS;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Flash ROMs operate at a speed slower than that of a CPU. In order to raise the operating speed of a single-chip microcomputer, therefore, interleaving is adopted and a plurality of flash ROMs are operated alternately to obtain an apparent operating speed equivalent to that of a CPU. Read clock generating circuits are placed in close proximity to clock input pins of respective ones of the flash ROMs and supply the flash ROMs with read clocks obtained by dividing down the frequency of a system clock. Delay ascribable to wiring is eliminated from the read clocks as a result.