Brand Owner Address Description
PERMACAST NATIONAL REFRACTORIES & MINERALS CORPORATION 1378 Stealth Street Livermore CA 94551 Issue New Certificate to: Resco Products, Inc. (Pennsylvania Corp.) Suite 430, 2 Penn Center West, Pittsburgh, PA 15276;Refractory castable mixes;PERMANENT CAST;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A person authentication system includes a person identification authority. In the system, a service provider, a user device, or the like performs person authentication by acquiring a template from a person identification certificate created by the person identification authority, which is a third-party agency. The person identification authority identifies a person who requests issue of the person identification certificate, creates and registers the person identification certificate. Furthermore, the person identification authority deletes and changes the person identification certificate and performs registration, addition, deletion, invalidation process, and re-validation process of the template stored in the person identification certificate.