Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ATHLON SPORTS EAT LIKE A FAN ATHLON SPORTS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Suite 320 2451 Atrium Way Nashville TN 37214 Magazines and magazine features and columns in the fields of food, beverages, recipes, ingredients, food preparation, cooking and cookware;
EAT LIKE A FAN ATHLON SPORTS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Suite 320 2451 Atrium Way Nashville TN 37214 magazines and magazine features and columns in the fields of food, beverages, recipes, ingredients, food preparation, cooking and cookware;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention provides a magazine-based data cartridge library that, in one embodiment, comprises a plurality of shelves that are capable of holding a plurality of data cartridge magazines, one or more drives, a magazine transport for moving magazines within the cabinet, and a cartridge transport for moving data cartridges between a magazine and a drive.