Brand Owner Address Description
MARFMISS MA, HAOYE Household 102, No. 5, Bazhi Alley, Haimen Town, Chaoyang District Shantou, Guangdong 515132 China MAR F MISS;Jumpsuits; Pareos; Skorts; Bridesmaid dresses; Clothing for athletic use, namely, padded shorts; Dress straps; Dress suits; Evening dresses; Evening gowns; Hooded pullovers; Hooded sweatshirts; Hoodies; Night gowns; Short-sleeved or long-sleeved t-shirts; Skirts and dresses;The wording Marfmiss has no meaning in a foreign language.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A dual match line circuit may include precharge logic configured to precharge each of a hit match line, a miss match line and an evaluate node to an asserted state, where a coupling device couples the hit and miss match lines to the evaluate node. The miss match line may discharge through a number of load devices that may be activated by respective miss signals. The hit match line may be additionally coupled to discharge through a pair of devices connected in series, one of which may be activated by a hit signal, and the other of which may be activated by the miss match line. The hit and miss match lines may be electrically isolated from one another, such that when any of the respective miss signals is asserted, current from the hit match line does not discharge through the miss match line.