Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CURACID REV PHARMA CORPORATION 1000 BRICKELL AVENUE, SUITE 400 MIAMI FL 33131 Medicated topical ointment for the treatment of conditions and ailments of the skin and mucosal surfaces;
CURACID REV PHARMA CORPORATION 1000 BRICKELL AVENUE, SUITE 400 MIAMI FL 33131 Medicated topical ointment for the treatment of conditions and ailments of the skin;
JUST RELIEF Tactica International, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 7th Floor New York NY 10036 MEDICATED TOPICAL OINTMENT FOR THE RELIEF OF PAIN;RELIEF;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. This invention relates to a method for the natural topical treatment of portions of skin of a person afflicted with a skin disorder such as dry skin, eczema, itchy skin, red skin, itchy eczema, inflamed skin, and/or cracked skin for the removal of itch and the restoration of the affected areas of skin to a normal condition. The natural treatment of a skin disorder initially involves formation of a natural ointment from the ingredients identified as lard; Marigold flowers; and pure beeswax. The natural ointment is formed by combination of the ingredients which includes heating. The ointment is then applied twice daily to affected areas of skin until a natural cure of the skin disorder is obtained. In addition, a therapeutic compress is applied to the affected skin. The compress may include Colts Foot Leaf, White Oak Bark, Burdock Root, Horsetail Herb, and water.