Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
GUSTO COLLECTION Gusto Collection 141 Lanza Ave. # 16A Garfield NJ 07026 Mens' wear, boy's wear, kid's wear, sweaters, T-shirts, pants, slacks, jackets, shorts, shirts, sports wear and head wear;
S STARDOM Bong Hwa USA Inc., 141 Lanza Ave. #16A Garfield NJ 07026 Mens' wear, Boy's wear, sweaters, T-shirts, pants, slacks, jackets, shorts, shirts, head wear, sports wear, shoes, etc;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Methods of measuring the amount of wear at a hole. In a first embodiment, the method includes measuring a first diameter of the hole at a portion of the hole wall that is subject to wear and measuring a second diameter of the hole at a portion of the wall not subject to the wear. The measured diameters are then used to determine the amount of the wear. An assumption may be made regarding a profile of the wear. To determine the amount of the wear from the measured diameters, the Pythagorean Theorem may be used. Further, the method may include determining how far a fastener will protrude from the hole based on the amount of the wear. Moreover, the hole may be used to calibrate ring or chamfer gages.