Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
AFP ANACOMP, INC. 15378 Avenue of Science San Diego CA 92128 microfiche printers;
AFP 500 ANACOMP, INC. 15378 Avenue of Science San Diego CA 92128 microfiche printers;
DATAGRAPHIX AFP ANACOMP, INC. 15378 Avenue of Science San Diego CA 92128 microfiche printers;Data Graphics AFP;
DATAGRAPHIX AFP500 ANACOMP, INC. 15378 Avenue of Science San Diego CA 92128 microfiche printers;data graphics afp-500;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A high volume printing assembly includes an array of printers. Each printer includes a housing. Locking fee project beyond the housing on one side. Apertures corresponding to the fee are located on an opposing side of the housing to receive the feet of a neighboring printer. The printers are daisy-chained together by means of serial data-in and data-out ports. A control station is provided to monitor and control the array. The array may be disposed as a column of printers mounted upon a suitable table or alternatively it can also be provided as a row of printers stacked side by side upon a suitable mounting frame. In a preferred embodiment each of the printers is of a high-speed type that includes a pagewidth printhead.