Brand Owner Address Description
MIGHTYGROUP Aelera Consulting Corporation 1005 Alderman Drive, Suite 205 Alpharetta GA 30005 MIGHTY GROUP;Consulting and providing information in the fields of-- marketing, business operations, business development, business networking and business collaboration; information gathering for business and trade practices and analysis thereof;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The invention relates to a group application for group formation and management, in particular in a wireless environment. The present invention provides a group application in which a membership list of a group is kept updated automatically by communications between the group applications of the group. The group application handles all the complexity involved in setting up a group and maintaining a membership list for the group, without user intervention. Advantageously, the group application is implemented as a software agent. The invention also relates to an electronic device having a group application or software agent of the invention loaded therein.