Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
LICENSING REPORTER EUROPE A4 PUBLICATIONS, LTD. Pippingford Park Manor Nutley, Sussex TN 223 HW monthly journals relating to licensing, merchandising, branding and trademarks;
NORTH AMERICAN LICENSING TRIBUNE A4 Publications U.S.A., Inc. Smith, Steibel, Alexander & Saskor, P.C. 460 Park Avenue New York NY 10022 monthly journals relating to licensing, merchandising, branding and trademarks;NORTH AMERICAN LICENSING;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system for monitoring licensing eligibility of a computational component, the computational component being associated with a unique identifier, is provided. The system comprises (i) an input and/or interface 120 operable to receive a request to authorize operation of at least part of the computational component; (ii) a memory, such as licensing database 128, comprising licensing database information associated with the identifier, the information comprising a licensing state indicator; and (iii) an activator, such as remote feature activator 112, operable to (a) authorize operation of the at least part of the computational component when the licensing state indicator has a first state and (b) not authorize operation of the at least part of the computational component when the licensing state indicator has a second state other than the first state.