Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
HARDY GRIFFIN D.S. HGDS, INC. 701 S Carson St #200 Carson City NV 89701 The name HARDY GRIFFIN does not identify any particular living individual.;Metal Pipes;D.S.;
HARDY GRIFFIN D.S. HGDS, Inc 701 S Carson St #200 Carson City NV 89701 The Name HARDY GRIFFIN does not identify a living individual.;Metal pipes;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A new variety of Azalea plant found as a seedling in a planned cross between the female hybrid Azalea 'EMBERS' and the male hybrid Azalea 'September Morn' is disclosed. The new variety possesses a unique blooming time and is very cold hardy. It is small, compact, dense and low-growing Azalea with attractive, single red flowers.