Brand Owner Address Description
DAVID STARK David Stark, Inc. 87 Luquer Street Brooklyn NY 11231 The name DAVID STARK identifies a living individual whose consent is of record.;The design for others of household items, outdoor entertaining items, decorative items, bags and stationary, excluding the design of: carpets, rugs, broadroom carpets and floor coverings; fabrics, not including: pillow coverings, tablecloths, runners, place-mats, napkins, and slipcovers; wall coverings intended for decorating and partially covering pre-existing wall coverings and wall paper, not including: wall decals, wall stickers, wall art, and wall applications;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A new and distinct cultivar of Phlox plant named 'David's Lavender', characterized by its upright plant habit; columnar plant form; vigorous growth habit; large inflorescences with numerous lavender-colored flowers; long flowering period; good garden performance; and resistant to Powdery Mildew.