Brand Owner Address Description
MARY ANN RICHARDS CET Fashions, Inc. 237 West 35th Street New York NY 10001 The name MARY ANN RICHARDS is fictitious and does not identify a particular living individual.;ladies' apparel, namely dresses, suits, jackets, blazers, skirts, pants, vests, blouses and culottes;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. 'Mary', a Dieffenbachia cultivar. 'Mary' is a compact Dieffenbachia of medium size, with oval, yellow-green variegated leaves emarginated in dark green. The leaves are held tightly to the stem with distinctive short white petioles. 'Mary' exhibits strong suckering ability. Its plant growth habit is small and compact, leaf shape is oval, leaf size is approximately 23 cm×14 cm with a length to width ratio of 1.6, leaves are yellow green and variegated, petioles are predominately white, and the distance from apex of wing to leaf base is small and bout 0.5 cm.