Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
TRIAL PRACTICE GUIDE Express Communications, Inc. #1053 2828 FOREST LANE DALLAS TX 75234 newsletter covering trial practice, evidence and techniques for attorneys;
TRIAL PRACTICE LETTER Express Communications, Inc. #1053 2828 FOREST LANE DALLAS TX 75234 newsletter covering trial practice, evidence and techniques for attorneys;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A furnace, in particular for an electro thermal atomization device of an atom absorption spectrometer, has a heatable heat duct in which is mounted a trial platform. The trial platform is essentially basin-shaped with radially inward-turned rims, at least at its free ends. In order to make ongoing improvements in a furnace of the aforementioned type, so that the trial platform has an increased lifetime along with high reproducibility of measurements and simple operation as well as low cost, the trial platform features a geometric structure stabilization device which reduces the ratio of effective volume of the trial platform to the rim volume.