Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
COMMUNICATIONS WEEK INTEROPERABILITY MONITOR CMP PUBLICATIONS, INC. 1295 NORTHERN BLVD. MANHASSET NY 11030 newspaper columns or sections dealing with reviews of communications and computer equipment;COMMUNICATIONS and INTEROPERABILITY MONITOR;
INTEROPERABILITY MONITOR CMP PUBLICATIONS, INC. 1295 NORTHERN BLVD. MANHASSET NY 11030 newspaper columns or sections dealing with reviews of communications and computer equipment;INTEROPERABILITY;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A newspaper box is designed so that is may be easily converted to a planter. Laterally confronting parallel recesses on the confronting sides of the side walls of the newspaper box near it open end are adapted to receive a snap in closure panel for converting the newspaper box to a planter.