Brand Owner Address Description
NOTARY 2 GO Jenene M McDowell 3810 Moravia RD Baltimore MD 21206 NOTARY TO GO;Notary public services;NOTARY;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Method and system are described for validating a digital signature. More particularly, a signed message and a corresponding certificate are received. The certificate is checked for validation. A validation statement is generated, and the certificate validation and the signed message provide a status. This status represents a request for validation, and is provided along with a set of validations among which such status is an element. A digest is generated using a Merkle authentication tree corresponding to the set of validations, and this digest is signed with a private key. Accordingly, a notary may provide the signed digest, status and the set of validations for subsequent confirmation of the digital signature.