Brand Owner Address Description
#YUMCRUMBS Victoria Andrews 9023 Covent Garden Houston TX 77031 NUMBER YUM CRUMBS; HASHTAG YUM CRUMBS; POUND YUM CRUMBS;Consulting services in the field of culinary arts;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system and method is disclosed is capable of receiving messages from a mobile communication system. The system generates a reference number for a received message comprising a terminal, a reference number table, and comparator. The terminal communicates a received message having an allocated reference number. A reference number table stores messages according to reference number. A comparison is performed at the terminal for comparing the allocated reference number to a reference number of a previously stored message. A new reference number is generated if the allocated reference number is the same as the reference number of the previously stored message. The system also provides means for storing the allocated reference number and the new reference number in the reference number table for the received message.