Brand Owner Address Description
1000 MAN SHOOT Henry RAC Holding Corp. 59 East 1st Street Bayonne NJ 07002 ONE THOUSAND MAN SHOOT;CAPS; T-SHIRTS;RIFLES; RIFLE CASES;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A CMOS driver with minimum shoot-through current is disclosed. The potential for shoot-through current may be eliminated or reduced with a break-before-make circuit driving an output stage. The break-before-make circuit may include a first logic element followed by a first inverter and a second logic element followed by a second inverter. The inverters may be cross-coupled to one another and/or the internal transistors may be configured with different strengths. The logic elements may be configured to eliminate or reduce potential shoot-through current paths, and the signal inputs may be controlled within a certain voltage range.