Brand Owner Address Description
INTERNATIONAL OPTICAL COMPANY OMEGA OPTICAL CO., INC. P.O. BOX 22233 2649 TARNA DRIVE DALLAS TX 75222 Optical Prescription Filling Services and Engraving and Jewelling Eyeglass Lenses to the Order of Others;Contact Lenses and Glass and Plastic Lenses for Eyeglasses;Without waiver of any common law rights therein, and solely for the purposes of registration, applicant disclaims the right to the exclusive use of Optical Company separate and apart from the mark as shown.;Distributionship Services in the Field of Eyeglass Frames of Others;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. In a process for the manufacture of an optical transmission element with several optical waveguides and with a slot element each surrounding the optical waveguides, a filling compound is applied intermittently to the optical waveguides in a liquid state. The optical waveguides are subsequently fed into an extruder, where the extruder forms a slot element around the optical waveguides. The filling compound expands only within the formed slot element, so that interstices present in the cross-section level of the transmission element are penetrated and several dry, compressible filling elements are formed, disposed about the respective optical waveguides. With the process according to the invention, the cross-section of the extruded slot element is not compromised during the manufacturing process.