Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
OTICIN - HC BARTOLOMEI, ALBERTO S. Gurabo Industrial Park P.O. BOX 1360 Gurabo 00778 Puerto Rico otic solution for the treatment of superficial bacterial infections of the external auditory canal;
OTICIN-HC TERAL Inc. 230, Oaza Moriwake, Miyuki-cho, Fukuyama Hiroshima 7200003 Japan Otic solution for the treatment of superficial bacterial infections of the external auditory canal;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A process for the wet chemical treatment of semiconductor wafers, in which the semiconductor wafers are treated with treatment liquids, has the semiconductor wafers firstly treated with an aqueous HF solution, then treated with an aqueous O3 solution and finally treated with water or an aqueous HCl solution, these treatments forming a treatment sequence.