Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
PAWNLINE The Entrepreneur's Source, Inc. 900 Main Street South, Building No. 2 Southbury CT 06488 PAWN LINE;Internet Retail Sales;
PAWNLINE Gallant Kevin G. 94 Halley Napean K2J3R6 Canada PAWN LINE;On-line consignment services whereby goods are received on consignment in on-line retail stores featuring Video Games; On-line retail consignment stores featuring Video Games;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The liquid crystal display (LCD) includes a gate line formed on a transparent substrate and a data line crossing the gate line. An insulating layer electrically insulates the data line from the gate line. A thin film transistor is formed at an intersection of the gate line and the data line, and is connected to the gate line and the data line. A low reflective layer is formed on at least a portion of the data line.