Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ADONIS Adonis BV Spuitstraat 112-D 1000 AV Amsterdam Netherlands periodicals in the nature of a bound newsletter featuring developments in electronic document delivery and scientific information technology;
BILLBOARD HOTLINE BPI COMMUNICATIONS INC. 770 Broadway, 6th Floor New York NY 10003 periodicals in the nature of newsletter featuring information about music and the entertainment industry, printed charts, bulletins and facsimile newsletters also featuring information about music and the entertainment industry;BILL BOARD HOT LINE;
MRO, INC. BEARINGS, INC. 3600 EUCLID AVENUE CLEVELAND OH 44115 periodicals in the nature of catalogs directed to industrial products primarily for maintenance and/or repair;
THE A COAST Malkin, Patricia 246 West End Ave., 4A New York NY 10023 periodicals in the nature of a newsletter about travel;
THE HIP LIFE THE HIP LIFE 231 S. Old Woodward Suite 217 Birmingham MI 48009 Periodicals in the nature of magazines featuring shopping, eating, drinking, traveling, travelogues and other information on shopping, eating, drinking, traveling; printed publications and literature, namely books, magazines and manuals featuring travel information, travelogues and other information in the field of shopping, eating, drinking, traveling;
THE PROPERTY SOURCE ONLINE QuestCom Incorporated 1468 Dewey Avenue Rochester NY 14615 Periodicals in the nature of magazines featuring real estate and apartment listings; business cards; stationery;THE PROPERTY SOURCE ON LINE;ONLINE;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An integrated circuit having a first couple of components R and C, at least a second couple of components R1-R3 and C'1-C'2 and a calibration circuit. The couple of componets form an RC cell of which one component is adjustable, and the calibration circuit. The invention corrects the errors in the values of the components of RC cells of the same nature. The calibration circuit performs the adjustment of an RC cell and then applies the same correction to the components of the other RC cells of the same nature.