Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CYTOFLO MINNTECH CORPORATION 14605 28th Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55447 plasma filter units for medical use in plasmapheresis;
CYTOFLUX MINNTECH CORPORATION 14605 28th Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55447 plasma filter units for medical use in plasmapheresis;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A plasma processing apparatus comprising a plurality of plasma processing units is provided. Each of the plasma processing units has a matching circuit connected between a radiofrequency generator and a plasma excitation electrode. Among these plasma processing units, a variation <RA> between the maximum and minimum values of input-terminal-side AC resistances RA of the matching circuits defined by <RA>=(RAmax?RAmin)/(RAmax+RAmin) is adjusted to be less than 0.5. A variation between the maximum and minimum values of output-terminal-side AC resistances RB of the matching circuits defined by <RB>=(RBmax?RBmin)/(RBmax+RBmin) is also adjusted to be less than 0.5. The plasma processing units can be adjusted to achieve substantially uniform plasma results in a shorter period of time.