Brand Owner Address Description
PERMACLIP PERMATHENE PLASTICS, LTD. 1302 - 24TH AVENUE TAMPA FL 33605 plastic clasp used for suspending fabric covers over greenhouses to create shade;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An adjustable fastening mechanism generally including an adjustable clasp and a cord. The adjustable clasp has an inlet end, a fastener end, and a center core therebetween. In the preferred embodiment the adjustable clasp has an inlet and a radial port which are connected by a conduit. The inlet end of the adjustable clasp is narrower than the fastener end of the adjustable clasp. A helical groove is provided on the exterior of the adjustable clasp and extends from the radial port to an exterior bore near the fastener end of the adjustable clasp. The exterior bore extends through the solid center core of the adjustable clasp and is substantially perpendicular to the center axis of the adjustable clasp and helical groove.