Brand Owner Address Description
HYDROMER Hydromer, Inc. 4715 Corporate Drive, Suite 200 Concord NC 28027 Polymeric Substance with Lubricious Qualities Useful in Coating Medical Tubes and Catheters;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A balloon for a catheter and a method of making the balloon, having a layer of a porous polymeric material with a modified outer surface and a lubricious coating bonded to the modified outer surface. In one embodiment, the modified outer surface is formed by a polymer impregnated in the porous polymeric material, and the subsequently applied lubricious coating bonds to the impregnating polymer. In another embodiment, the modified outer surface is formed by a functionality deposited on the porous polymeric material which bonds to the subsequently applied lubricious coating. The modified outer surface provides an improved strong bond between the lubricious coating and the balloon, for improved catheter performance.