Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
RETRACTA-BELT VISIONTRON CORP. 720 Old Willets Path Hauppauge NY 11788 Portable barrier pedestrian access control and crowd control system consisting primarily of metal posts, belts, retraction devices, signs and parts therefore;
RETRACTA-BELT TORSIELLO, JOSEPH N. JR. 5 CRICK HOLLY LANE EAST ISLIP NY 11730 Portable barrier pedestrian access control and crowd control system consisting primarily of metal posts, belts, retraction devices, signs and parts therefore;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A walking gait detection apparatus includes a microphone for picking up low-frequency-band sounds that are transmitted through the body of a pedestrian while walking and an analyzer for performing analysis. Accordingly, the gait of the pedestrian is detected. It is also possible to distinguish the gait pattern on the basis of the stance-phase time of a foot sole and the signal intensity, for example. The gait detection apparatus can accurately estimate the stride length on the basis of a detected gait cycle, the height of the pedestrian, and signals detected during walking. On the basis of low-frequency sounds picked up by the microphone while the pedestrian is walking, the pedestrian can be identified.