Brand Owner Address Description
POSTECONOMIC Extract Media 91 Sherman Street #2 Cambridge MA 02140 POST ECONOMIC;Internet based social networking, introduction, and dating services;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a cloverleaf microgyroscope containing an integrated post comprising: attaching a post wafer to a resonator wafer, forming a bottom post from the post wafer being attached to the resonator wafer, attaching the resonator wafer to a base wafer, wherein the bottom post fits into a post hole in the base wafer, forming a top post from the resonator wafer, wherein the bottom and top post are formed symmetrically around the same axis, preparing a cap with backside metallization, and attaching a cap wafer on top of the base wafer. The present invention relates further to a gyroscope containing an integrated post with on or off-chip electronics.