Brand Owner Address Description
BIO-LASTIC TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. 123 West 23rd Avenue North Kansas City MO 64116 protective coating which resists the growth of microorganisms on or in the coating for use in locations where hygiene controls are essential;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A strain gauge with a strain-sensitive electrical resistor track and connector electrodes for contacting the resistor track arranged on a carrier substrate is provided with a protective coating having inorganic materials and covering at least part of the carrier substrate and/or of the resistor track and/or of the connector electrodes. The build-up structure of the protective coating over the range of the coating thickness is inhomogeneous, and the protective coating is underlaid with a surface-smoothing polymer layer which evens out rough surface portions of the area to be coated. The layer thickness of the surface-smoothing layer is at least equal to the thickness of the protective coating. A strain gauge of this type can be used in a force-measuring cell, where the surface-smoothing layer and the protective coating can be deposited after an uncoated strain gauge has been installed on the deformable body of the force-measuring cell.