Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
MEDICAPAEDIA E-MDS, INC. 10901 Stonelake Blvd., Suite 200 Austin TX 78759 Providing a database of medical terminology via the Internet;
PARACELSUS Integrative Medical Arts Group, Inc. 4790 S.W. Watson Avenue Beaverton OR 97005 Providing a database of medical, health and wellness information by means of a global computer network;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A process for managing medical data in an active implantable medical device such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, cardiometer or multisite device for use of the medical data by a specialized follow-up practitioner such as a cardiologist. The process is characterized by reading by telemetry the memory data (12) of the device (10) in a patient by use of a programmer (14), memorizing in a database within the programmer the raw medical data thus read, the database having a memory field (24) containing an identifier of the patient (26), an address (28) of the follow-up practitioner such as a cardiologist or a regular practitioner ensuring the medical follow-up of the patient, as well as the aforementioned raw medical data (30), transmitting by a telematic way (36) to that follow-up practitioner, at the corresponding address, the medical data relating to the identified patient, and collecting, treating and presenting to the follow-up practitioner the medical data thus transmitted. A dedicated software (44) implemented on a microcomputer (40) at the disposal of the follow-up practitioner is used for the collection of the raw data and its treatment, processing and display for use by the follow-up practitioner.