Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
FORTÉ HEALTH STAFFING SHC Services, Inc. 6955 Union Park Center Drive, Suite 400 Cottonwood Heights UT 84047 Providing temporary staffing for healthcare services and/or facilities;
SHC SERVICES SHC Services, Inc. 6955 Union Park Center Drive, Suite 400 Cottonwood Heights UT 84047 Providing temporary staffing for healthcare services and/or facilities;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. In a tag reader/writer 10 according to the present invention, first, a temporary ID receiver 11 receives a temporary ID unit of temporary IDs of RFID tags 41-44, and 47 detected by another tag reader/writer 20, and stores them into a temporary ID storage DB 12. When the tag reader/writer 10 detects RFID tags 41, 43, 45, 46, and 48 within a communication area of its own, a temporary ID acquirer 13 thereof acquires temporary IDs of those RFID tags and stores them into the temporary ID storage DB 12. Thereafter, the tag reader/writer 10 makes a temporary ID comparator 14 compare temporary ID units stored, to specify a temporary ID corresponding to a difference between them, based on the result of the comparison. When the temporary ID is a decrease, it is determined to be a lost article, and a message of the lost article is sent. When the temporary ID is an increase, it is determined to be a newly purchased article, and related advertisement information is provided.