Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ACCUMULATOR CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 55 ELM STREET HARTFORD CT Providing Administrative, Account Recordkeeping and Asset Investment Services to Pension, Profit Sharing, Savings and Voluntary Investment Plans Sponsored by Business Organizations as an Employee Benefit;
ACCUMULATOR PLUS CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 55 ELM STREET HARTFORD CT Providing Administrative, Account Recordkeeping and Asset Investment Services to Pension, Profit Sharing, Savings and Voluntary Investment Plans Sponsored by Business Organizations as an Employee Benefit;
BA VIRTUAL SUPPORT BA Virtual Support 3000 Lawrence St, #38 Denver CO 80205 providing administrative, operational and business management assistance and services to medical and clinical research professionals;VIRTUAL SUPPORT;
GLOBAL TOTAL BUSINESS SOLUTION ISPtel 3001 Douglas Boulevard, Suite 140 Roseville CA 98661 Providing administrative, technical , logistical and related services for use of local and global intranet, internet, telecommunication and digital information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information;
IETF SECRETARIAT IETF Trust C\O INTERNET SOCIETY 1775 WIEHLE AVENUE, SUITE 201 RESTON VA 20190 Providing administrative, and management support services in the field of standards related activities to facilitate the development and evolution of global computer networks;SECRETARIAT;Providing technical coordination support services for standards related activities to facilitate the development and evolution of global computer network;
IETF SECRETARIAT Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) 1895 Preston White Drive Reston VA 20191 Providing administrative, and management support services in the field of standards related activities to facilitate the development and evolution of global computer networks;SECRETARIAT;Providing technical coordination support services for standards related activities to facilitate the development and evolution of global computer network;
MULTIFLEX Merchants Industry Fund Group InsuranceTrust Attn: Carla Curtis 301 Howard St., Suite 850 San Francisco CA 94105 Providing administrative, marketing, sales and billing services for group dental products;
PREMIER FINANCIAL SERIES AUSA Financial Markets, Inc. 4333 Edgewood Road NE Cedar Rapids IA 52499 providing administrative, advertising and marketing services for annuity contracts underwritten by affiliated life insurance companies;FINANCIAL SERIES;
SENIOR SECURITY Merchants Industry Fund Group InsuranceTrust Attn: Carla Curtis 301 Howard St., Suite 850 San Francisco CA 94105 Providing administrative, marketing, sales and billing services for group retiree medical products;
SENIORS CHOICE Merchants Industry Fund Group InsuranceTrust Attn: Carla Curtis 301 Howard St., Suite 850 San Francisco CA 94105 Providing administrative, marketing, sales and billing services for group retiree medical products;
TOTAL BUSINESS SOLUTION ISPtel 3001 Douglas Boulevard, Suite 140 Roseville CA 98661 Providing administrative, technical, logistical and related services for use of local and global intranet, internet, telecommunication and digital information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A process control system that automatically monitors processes and performs activities based on conditions detected during monitoring. The information needed to do the monitoring and perform activities is contained in tables in a database system. The process control system may be configured by configuring entries in the tables. An administrative query table has records that define administrative queries. Each administrative query has associated with it a query to be executed on a table of process records that indicate statuses of the processes being monitored, a scope that defines a subset of the process records upon which the query is to be executed, a schedule from which a time of next execution of the administrative query can be computed, and an activity. The activity is a set of one or more actions. When an administrative query is executed and the query associated with the administrative query is run on the table of process records and the result set is not empty, the activity is performed with regard to the process records of the result set. A plurality of activities may be associated with the administrative query, with the activity to be performed being selected on the basis of a state of a given process record with regard to the query.