Brand Owner Address Description
PAYPHONET SCIENCE DYNAMICS CORPORATION 1919 Springdale Road Cherry Hill NJ 08003 providing business management and billing services of telephone calls for others;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method for integrating the IT components which support a business process into a single end-to-end management platform is provided. The method comprises decomposing a business process into a set of enabling applications and then documenting the technology elements and support organizations which are necessary to execute those enabling applications. The required monitors for the business process enabling technology can be deployed which will allow the mapping of technology problems to business problem and the development of correlation rules. This information is then used to develop an end-to-end business process event management (or other system management disciplines such as performance management) platform, which can be integrated into any preexisting event management process. In one embodiment of the present invention, the event management platform can be constructed between several business entities.