Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
AUTHORS P.H. GLATFELTER COMPANY 22896 South George Street Suite 500 York PA 17401 recycled uncoated printing and writing paper;
EDITORS P.H. GLATFELTER COMPANY 22896 South George Street Suite 500 York PA 17401 recycled uncoated printing and writing paper;
NATURES P.H. GLATFELTER COMPANY 22896 South George Street Suite 500 York PA 17401 recycled uncoated printing and writing paper sold in commercial bulk quantities to printers and other such bulk users;
SUPPLE P.H. GLATFELTER COMPANY 22896 South George Street Suite 500 York PA 17401 recycled uncoated printing and writing paper;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A writing implement 1 includes a sensor 11 and control circuitry 13 so that when the writing implement is brought into close proximity with an input screen, the writing tip 3 of the writing implement 1 is prevented from delivering ink to the input screen. This may be achieved in one embodiment by retracting the writing tip within the body of the writing implement, or by extending a stylus tip 20 beyond the writing tip 3. In other embodiments, ink can be prevented from delivered to the input screen by a mechanism which disengages an ink reservoir 5 from the writing tip 3 of the writing implement 1 and/or, in the case of a ball-point pen type writing tip 3, electromagnets 26 can be arranged to prevent rotation of an ink delivery ball 22.