Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
DELIVERING OFFSITE LOGISTIC SOLUTIONS THROUGH THE POWER OF THE INTERNET Logistics Management, Inc. 6269 Shelby Dr. Memphis TN 38134 Repair and upgrading services for business computer and communications equipment, and managing computer and communications parts inventories for customers for purposes of repair and maintenance;
LMI LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT INC. Logistics Management, Inc. 6269 Shelby Dr. Memphis TN 38134 repair and upgrading services for business computer and communications equipment, and managing computer and communications parts inventories for customers for purposes of repair and maintenance;LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT INC.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A diagnosis and repair recommendation system for a railroad locomotive is disclosed. The system uses generalized repair recommendations and instantiates them to a specific repair process for a unique road number locomotive. In addition to repair steps to be executed by the technician, the method and system remotely provides supporting documentation specifically tailored for each step in the repair process. As the repair is being conducted, feedback information is entered by the technician. The repair recommendations and the supporting documents are available to the technician via a remote unit, thereby allowing the technician to access the repair steps and supporting documentation while the repair is in progress.