Brand Owner Address Description
BUSHY TAIL PINE TREE FARMS, Inc. 3714 Cayuga St Interlaken NY 14847 the representation of a squirrel;squirrel foods and treats;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A squirrel skinning device and method that makes skinning and cleaning a squirrel easy and safe. The squirrel skinning device consists of two handle sections that pivot like scissors to force jaws together to hold a squirrel by the tail bone to allow easy removal of the skin and to prepare the meat for use. A user stands on a base portion with one foot and another smaller base section that is positioned above the lower base with the other foot. The user's weight provides the torque that securely holds the squirrel in the jaws while pulling upward to skin the squirrel.