Brand Owner Address Description
KEM-X KEM-TRON, INC. 2200 West Loop South Houston TX 77027 rheology control agent for use in drilling fluids;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system and methods are shown for providing Internet Protocol communication services to a mobile client. One method includes sending a registration request from a radio node to a control node responsive to detecting a mobile client in a service area of the radio node. When the control node receives the request from the radio node, the control node determines a foreign agent to provide communication services to the mobile client. In one embodiment, the control node determines the foreign agent based on a mobile client information record, a radio node record, and a plurality of foreign agent records associated with the radio node. In one embodiment, the control node may select a last serving foreign agent associated with the mobile client. Alternatively, if the control node selects a different foreign agent than the last serving foreign agent, the control node sends a registration update message to the last serving foreign agent so that the last serving foreign agent may terminate any communication sessions associated with the mobile client.