Brand Owner Address Description
ROLLICE ROLL-ICE V-Formation, Inc. Suite 805 99 Wood Ave. South Iselin NJ 08830 Roll-Ice technology gives users the ability to customize athletic footwear, using one pair of boots for multiple purposes The Roll-Ice design allows a skater to quickly and effortlessly change an ice skate into a roller skate or a hiking boot;ROLL ICE ROLL ICE;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A lint roll apparatus includes an orienting mechanism for orienting the free edge of the outermost sheet of a adhesive roll with a predetermined point on a roll support. Orientation is implemented by cooperating stop members on the roll and the roll support, by a slidable member on the roll support moveable into and out of engagement with a notch in the roll or a roll core, or a trigger activated moveable pin which is engagable with a stop member carried on the roll or roll support. A motor driven spindle rotates a cylinder on which the roll is mounted.