Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
AEGIS HOPUS TECHNOLOGY INC. 7F-1, No. 943, Section 1, Jieshou Road Bade City 334 Taiwan safety helmets for sports, namely, baseball batting helmets, football helmets, softball helmets, hockey helmets, rugby helmets, basketball helmets, rowing helmets, boxing helmets, fencing helmets, ice skating helmets, skiing helmets, and hang glider helmets;
GREAT FAR GREAT PLASTICS INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tainan Hsien Taiwan safety helmets for sports, namely skating and hockey;
VELO UKULILI INTERNATIONAL INC. KM Computer 739 Ames Ave Milpitas CA 95035 safety helmets for sports;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention relates to a device to rotate a previously unrotatable receiver used with helmets, preferably aircraft helmets.