Brand Owner Address Description
SIMPLECERT Dox4All, Inc. 4765 Hahns Peak Drive #204 Loveland CO 80538 SIMPLE CERT;Physician services; medical evaluation of individuals to determine whether a medical diagnosis or medical condition is present that may benefit from treatment with medical marijuana;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. This invention relates to an information processing apparatus for managing copyrights under SDMI provisions as well as the copyrights for contents distributed over the Internet. Data Enc(Kc, Content) generated by encrypting a given content using a content key Kc are recorded, along with a header (Header), certificate (Cert), data Enc(KR, Kc) generated by encrypting the content key Kc using a root key KR, and an enabling key block (EKB). The header includes a content ID (CID), a license ID (LID), a URL, and a watermark (WM), supplemented with a header signature Sig(Header). The inventive apparatus is applied to devices that provide contents.